RAJA does Movember 2023!

3 min read 01 December 2023

You may have noticed something different about some of the faces around the business this passed month. Yes, RAJA UK spent the month of November raising money and growing taches. Under the team name of MOS ‘R’ US & THE HAIRHOUSE OPERATIVES, we took up the collective challenge of growing a facial soup strainer in order to raise money for charity.

The History of Movember

Movember, a portmanteau of “moustache” and “November,” started when a group of friends decided to grow moustaches to raise awareness about prostate cancer and men’s mental health. Over the years Movember has grown into a global movement, encouraging men to embrace their facial hair and sparking conversations about crucial health issues that often go undiscussed. Beyond the facial hair flex, Movember is about making a tangible impact on men’s health. The RAJA UK Mo Team embraced this ethos, hustling hard to raise funds that pack a punch for men’s health charities. Their initial fundraising target of £2000 was not only met but exceeded, with an impressive total of £2,344 raised. While competing against each other to raise the most, we did have a clear winner by the end who we’ll talk about soon.

More than a Tache

Not everyone was as keen to grow a lip caterpillar and instead went for a more physically demanding choice of fund raiser. Some team members bravely took on the #Mochallenge, incorporating physical activities to raise additional funds. Steve Esler committed to 100 push-ups a day throughout November, chronicled on his LinkedIN page with flashy intros each day, while Ryan Riddell, Benjamin Keeling, and Kieran Fay tackled running challenges in all weather conditions on top of growing their taches. Here’s how they all did.

  • Steven Esler: 100 Push Ups a day throughout November
  • Ryan Riddell: 58km
  • Benjamin Keeling: 48km
  • Kieran Fay: 5km

Recognizing Outstanding Contributions:

We don’t like to get competitive about charity, but when it comes to fund-raising we had one team member who really went above and beyond – Kieran Fay. Not only did Kieran embrace the challenge with a furry spirit (even sacrificing his beard to grow a fresh tache), but he also emerged as the top fundraiser, raising a whopping £570. His prize was a customised Mr. Spoonie who looks oddly familiar…

A Grateful Farewell to the Fuzz:

As the razors make their final sweep, we here at RAJA UK would like to express our gratitude to everyone who contributed to the charity drive’s success – while most everyone was rushing for the razor

Life’s too short for boredom, and Movember reminds us to infuse laughter, growth, and a commitment to making a difference into every day. Until next year, as the razors hibernate, the team encourages everyone to keep it fun and furry, ensuring the spirit of Movember lives on.


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