0800 542 44 28

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The ecommerce industry has created its own logistics. With technology, online retailers and industry giants such as Amazon and eBay setting the foundations for the buying and selling of goods. This has led to the development and increase of ecommerce businesses, ecommerce logistics and specialist packaging for ecommerce.

  • This portal has been designed to help you find effective and efficient ecommerce packaging solutions for your logistic process.
  • Also providing tools to help you choose the right packaging and provide solutions for your ecommerce logistic operations.

This dedicated ecommerce portal has been created using the market analysis provided by customers across the RAJA Group, using the 3 key areas highlighted:

  • Easy access to solutions, adapted and prioritised to your ecommerce logistic issues
  • Highlighting the top ecommerce logistic issues
  • Ecommerce solutions provided in a way that you will find easy to understand