Announcing our top 10 Animal Protectors

5 min read 08 March 2016

Whilst our nominators have been crossing their fingers, hoping that their good cause would be one of our incredible winners, our judges have been reading through entry after entry. It’s been an emotional week for them, reading heart-warming stories about selfless people and organisations.

Cat in packaging

Our 10 Animal Protectors have now been selected for their unwavering commitment to protecting vulnerable animals and for the huge difference their work makes. They have been told the good news and have chosen what they would like in their Reward Boxes.

Meet our remarkable Rajapack Animal Protectors

Ros Karamanth (Stepping Stones Rescue Centre)

Ros specialises in rescuing and rehoming pregnant cats and their kittens. Her nomination caught our attention because she has made a difference to so many cats and never turns away an animal in need! Well done Ros, keep up the great work!

Labrador Retriever Rescue Southern England (LRRSE)

This charity unites pure bred and Labrador Retriever crosses with loving new homes across the South of England. LRRSE does not have a rescue centre, kennelling facilities or offices. What’s more, they are self-funded and staffed entirely by volunteers who juggle their day jobs with rescue work. It was this commitment and passion for protecting Labradors that really impressed our judges. We hope their Reward Box goes some way to helping the volunteers continue their work.

Lakeland Trailhound Welfare (LTW)

Trailhounds (the ‘cross-country runners of dog racing’) have historically been deemed unsuitable as pets if no longer racing, or injured. Since the charity was set up 20 years ago, they have found new homes for over 1000 hounds and, through feedback from adoptive owners, have created a shift in the mind-set of the hound-trailing community, who are able to see their old hound settled and happy in their new home. Injured, retired and problem dogs are now referred to LTW, who work hard to find homes all over the UK. Our judges were most impressed by LTW’s education programme to prove that there is life after racing for ex working dogs.

Milnthorpe Kennels and Cattery

Started as a kennels and cattery, within 18 months they were approached by a local animal rescue charity to help them care for rescue dogs. With the policy that all dogs go home neutered, microchipped and vaccinated, over 600 dogs have been re-homed. The team also educate children in the area about animal welfare, microchipping and raise awareness of that fact that most animal crises are accompanied by a human crisis. Again, it was the educational work this organisation do that really stood out to our judges. By acting now they are preventing suffering in the future.

Gloria Muir (Hogles wood Hedgehog home)

Gloria nurses and cares for hedgehogs before releasing them back into the wild. Through her enduring enthusiasm and ‘super smile’, this amazing lady has inspired other people locally and internationally to take care of this declining species. We really admire this personal approach to protection, especially for an endangered species such as hedgehogs.

Dogs for Good

Through intensive training, Dogs for Good provide assistance dogs to help adults and children with physical disabilities and families with an autistic child. This support really does change lives and gives people their confidence and zest for life back. Well done Dogs for Good, and we hope your Reward Box helps you keep up the great work.

Alley Cats

This is a very small organisation that rescues abandoned kittens. They have just a handful of carers who foster the kittens until they are well enough to be adopted. Our judges really liked the fact that this charity not only protects kittens and changes their lives, they also bring joy to the lives of the carers.

HULA Animal Rescue

This small registered charity has rehomed thousands of unwanted domestic animals since it was founded in 1972. HULA relies on volunteers to help relieve suffering and distress by providing refuge and care until permanent homes can be found. It also provides advice to owners who are unable to cope due to a change in circumstances. This wonderful charity works tirelessly to make sure no animal is left homeless or in distress.

The Fox Project

This small charity works hard to care for foxes who have been injured or are unwell. They completely depend on the good will of animal lovers and look after the sick animal in their hospital before releasing it back to its natural habitats. Our judges were impressed by The Fox Project’s dedication to caring for these creatures.

 National Animal Welfare Trust Trindledown Farm

This organisation is dedicated exclusively to caring for animals ‘enjoying the twilight years of their lives’. Older animals make great companions, but often find themselves in a rescue centre because they have lost their elderly companion. NAWT care for these animals until a new home is found and really caught the eye of our judges because most of their fundraising is done by a dedicated crew of volunteers.

(Picture credit to Nicola Romagna)

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Rajapack UK: With over 50 years packaging experience, 5, 000 products and a team of in-house experts on-hand to help you find the right solution, it’s no surprise that Rajapack is Europe’s No.1 packaging supplier. From cardboard boxes, bubble wrap and packaging tape to gift bags, magnetic labels and warehouse racking, get everything you need, delivered next day. So whether you want to protect products in transit, store them in your warehouse or package them for sale, make Rajapack your No.1 choice.
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