Happy International Women’s Day!

2 min read 08 March 2024

Every year, the whole of RAJA takes some time to celebrate March 8th – International Women’s Day! As a group, we have always been dedicated to righting inequality and making sure that women are given equal opportunities to men to thrive and achieve. For 70 years, ever since we were founded by Rachel and Janine, we’ve pioneered women in the packaging space. Here at RAJA UK we have female led leadership at all levels of the business. It’s fair to say, we’ve taken the theme of this year to heart already.

This year’s theme: Invest in Women

This year’s theme is “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”. Focusing on the financial systems and business institutions and how they disfavour women. Looking at these issues and finding ways to address them is the core of this years International Women’s Day. At RAJA, we invest in women in a multitude of ways, starting with supporting them with their career progression. This year, our business has sponsored 8 female employees for extra certifications in their chosen fields. As part of our commitment to greater CSR, we have also partnered with the University of Bedford to help several young women get crucial on the job experience.

Understanding the important role of gender equality in the workplace, RAJA has increased the number of women in the company to over 40% of the workforce! By encouraging the growth and progression of careers within the business, we are proud to have over 50% of our management and supervisory roles occupied by women. From the board of directors to the warehouse supervision, we strive for truly equal gender representation.

Women and the Environment

We strive to create a promising community for women outside of the business, with RAJA UK donating £37,679 to our Women and Environment charity in 2023. That is a great achievement but we aim to do even better this year! By buying products from our Partnership Products range, you can help women across the world.

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