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Quick order by reference

Enter the product reference(s) you wish to order

No results found, check the reference entered
 your CSV file with 2 columns, one for references and one for quantity separated by a semicolon ;.  

Follow this guide to prepare your RAJA upload file

  1. Create two columns. In the first one enter the product references and put the quantity (just the number only) you wish to order in the second column.
  2. Start filling in your product references from the second line onwards, as the first line of the file will contain the headers.
  3. Save the file in a .csv format (File > Save as CSV (Comma delimited)(*.csv)).
  4. Click on << Yes >> when the pop-up message appears highlighting that you may lose some functionality in your workbook.
  5. Save your upload file on your computer.
  6. When closing Excel click on Do not save.

0 reference

£0.00 ex. VAT